Welcome to the Center for
Advanced Modeling and Optimization!
CAMO was established, and is maintained, by Dr. Neculai Andrei
The Center's missions are:
- to develop high-performance
computing techniques for modeling and optimization,
- to promote the
modeling and optimization concepts and techniques in industry,
government and academia,
- to make potential
users from different areas of activity aware of how the modeling and
optimization techniques can aid and improve their work, and
- to disseminate the
latest developments in mathematical programming modeling and
optimization all over the world by issuing:
The Electronic
International Journal - "Advanced Modeling and Optimization"
ICI Publishing House, Bucharest,
- to disseminate the
software associated with the papers published into The International
"Computational Optimization and
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
Software Optimization Forum
A web-resident source of information about modeling and optimization
algorithms, software and applications is available, emphasizing:
CAMO is responsable for development of the following Projects
CAMO was
established, and is maintained, by Dr. Neculai