Linear Programming Packages

ASLO Authors Neculai Andrei
Research Institute for Informatics
8-10, Bdl. Maresal Averescu, 71316 Bucharest, Romania
Mircea Barbulescu, Canada
Language FORTRAN
Algorithm simplex
Input Format MPS
Modeling Languages link  
Commercial Status free (ask the authors)
Platform Any machine with a reasonable amount of memory and a Fortran compiler.
Remarks ASLO is builded around the LA05* subroutines of J.K. Reid, for LU factorization of the basis. Some crash heuristic, multiple and partial pricing and scaling techniques are implemented.
It has some components for sensitivity analysis and post-optimization.
It is not equiped with a preprocessing (simplification, reduction) phase. For some problems it has numerical difficulties.
References N.Andrei, ASLO - A System for Linear Optimization, Research Institute for Informatics, Technical Report, LSSO-90-1, September 1990.