Publication Policy
This Electronic International Journal publishes significant research results in the fields of Mathematical Modeling and Optimization. The Journal has a quarterly frequency and its readership goes from researchers in Modeling and Optimization, and Mathematical and Computer Scientists to professionals working in Operations Research, Economics, Engineering, Management Science and Statistics, Industry, etc.
Technical contributions to the Journal may consist of :
Manuscript Preparation
Authors are encouraged to prepare and submit their contributions electronically to the Editor-in-Chief (, under standard LaTex, PostScript or PDF formats, in a style generally accepted by the scientific community.
The first page of the manuscript should bear the title of the paper, the names of authors and their present address (including E-mails), as well as a summary of about 200 words.
Citations in the text should be made by giving the surname(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication of the cited reference, in brackets, like [Dantzig, 1963].
References should be listed, in alphabetical order, at the end of the paper and set out as in the following examples:
Bazaraa, M.S., Jarvis, J.J., and Sherali, H.D., (1990) Linear Programming and Network Flows. (Second Edition), John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Andersen, E.D., and Ye, Y., (1998) A computational study of the homogeneous algorithm for large-scale convex optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, vol.10, nr. 3, pp.243-269.
Review Process
In order to publish high value paper, the Journal maintains a refereeing procedure. Submitted papers will be evaluated by anonymous referees, for originality, relevance and presentation.